Summer is winding down and back-to-school is only a few weeks away. L.A.U.S.D. starts on August 16. Yikes! 

Heading back-to-school can be a tough transition. Gone are the lazy days of summer and back to the grind and routine. But with still a few weeks out, it is possible to ease into the new school year. 

I gathered lots of great information from teachers, parents and doctors to help set-up your kids for success!

Here's our Fox 11 discussion. 

Back to school tips:

-Keep 'Teacher Talk' Positive: parent, teacher and student = TEAM

-Homework Spot- ask your child to organize their own space. Organization is a life skill.

-Connect with School Friends: help your child re-connect to feel excited and energized to begin school. Happy kids perform better at school.

-Avoid Last Minute Cramming

-20/20/20 Rule for eye health (computer): every 20 minutes look away from the computer, 20 feet ahead, for 20 seconds.

-Get back on a sleep routine (doctors recommend 10-11 hours of sleep for school aged kids)

-Ease anxiety: Talk to your kids about anything of concern as they begin the new school year